Month: January 2017

Mein Privatflug – Wie ich so hoch gekommen bin!

Wingly, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Rundflug, Köln Flughafen

Ein Traum wurde für mich wahr! Ich kann es immer noch nicht glauben, dass ich so hoch gekommen bin! Ehrlich gesagt, habe ich immer davon geträumt, allein geflogen zu werden! Und jetzt … Ist es passiert!

A dream came true for me! I still cannot believe that I have been so high on air! Honestly, I always dreamed of being flown around! And now… It happened!

Unser 1A Pilot, Matthias, flog uns in einer Cessna 172r vom Flugplatz in Hangelar, der übrigens der meist frequentierte Flugplatz Europas ist.

Our pilot, Matthias, flew us in a Cessna 172r from the airfield in Hangelar, which is by the way the most frequented airfield in Europe.

Wingly, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Rundflug, Köln Flughafen

Wingly, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Rundflug, Köln Flughafen

Vor dem Flug war ich zwar sehr nervös, aber Matthias hat mir ganz schnell ein sicheres Gefühl gegeben. Er beantwortete alle meine Fragen und erklärte alles im Detail, so dass ich total entspannt war, als ich das Flugzeug betrat.

I was so nervous before the flight but Matthias made us feel so comfortable, he answered all my questions and explained everything in detail so that I was totally relaxed when I entered the plane. Do you know that a pilot should have around 12 flying hours a year? Until one year ago, all pilots had to pay for the gas by themselves, but since Wingly was founded, Pilots have the opportunity to take passengers on their flying hours and get a grant for their expenses.

Wingly, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Rundflug, Köln Flughafen

Wingly, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Rundflug, Köln Flughafen

Wusstet ihr, dass ein Pilot rund 12 Flugstunden pro Jahr haben muss, um seine Lizenz zu behalten? Bis vor einem Jahr mussten alle Piloten den Tank und ihre Flugstunden selbst finanzieren, aber seit der Gründung von Wingly haben Piloten die Möglichkeit, Fluggäste auf ihren Flügen mitzunehmen und so einen Zuschuss für ihre Kosten zu erhalten.

Wingly, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Rundflug, Köln Flughafen

Nach dem Anlegen unserer Headsets und der Befestigung unserer Sicherheitsgurte warteten wir auf das “to go”. Eine Minute später waren wir bereit für den Start. Zum ersten Mal in meinem Leben sah ich meine Heimatstadt von oben. Dank des blauen Himmels und des Sonnenscheins hatten wir eine atemberaubende Aussicht auf die Umgebung. Ich kam aus dem Staunen nicht mehr heraus. Alles erschien wie winzige Miniaturen!

After putting on our headset and fastening our seatbelts, we were waiting for the “go”. A minute later, we were ready for take-off. I saw my hometown from above for the first time in my life! It was so tiny! Thanks to the blue sky and the sunshine, we had a great view!

Wingly, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Rundflug, Köln Flughafen

Wingly, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Rundflug, Köln Flughafen

Die Kölner Innenstadt, das absolute Highlight des Flugs, erreichten wir in nur ca. 5 Minuten. Eine einmalige Aussicht, die man vom Boden aus, so niemals genießen könnte, erhielten wir, als Matthias zweimal um den Kölner Turm flog. Es war einfach unglaublich! Eine weitere „Station“ unseres Rundflugs war der Köln/Bonner Flughafen. Hier flog Matthias im Tiefflug über die Landebahn – Bauchkribbeln inklusive! Das war so cool!

We needed only around 5 minutes to get to the city centre of Cologne. That has been the absolute highlight. Matthias flew around the Cologne Cathedral twice! He also pretended to land on the Cologne airport but he just flew above the runway. Such a cool move!

Wingly, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Rundflug, Köln Flughafen

Wingly, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Rundflug, Köln Flughafen

Wingly, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Rundflug, Köln Flughafen

Nach der Landung war mir klar, dass dies nicht mein letzter Flug mit Wingly war. Die Atmosphäre und das Feeling während des Flugs waren einfach einzigartig. Solltet ihr nun auch nur die geringste Lust darauf verspüren, ebenfalls solch ein kleines Abenteuer zu erleben, dann lasst euch sagen: macht euch bereit, ihr werdet es ganz sicher nicht bereuen!

Wingly, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Rundflug, Köln Flughafen

Wingly, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Rundflug, Köln Flughafen

Besucht hierzu einfach die Webseite von Wingly und bucht euch euren Flug zu einem erschwinglichen Preis. Zur Auswahl gibt es vielzählige Flüge über eure eigene Stadt, oder von einer Stadt zur anderen. Ihr erhaltet einen Rundflug über Köln schon ab 50 Euro! Im Moment gibt es sogar noch einen 10 Euro Willkommensgutschein!

If you want to fly above your own city or from one city to another, just visit Wingly’s website and book your flight for an affordable price! You get a sightseeing flight above Cologne from 50€ on. At the moment, you can still get a 10€ welcome discount.

Wingly, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Rundflug, Köln Flughafen

Don’t forget to Fasten Ur Seatbelts!

A romantic place to spend your Valentine’s day!

Book a trip for you and your love at a real romantic hotel, and trust me, you’ll definitely be on cloud nine! The Romantik Hotel The Alpina Mountain Resort & Spa will not only spoil you with culinary delights but also with pure relaxation, fun, entertainment and love, especially during the winter time; Tschiertschen is a winter wonderland.

Hotel Alpina Mountain Resort & Spa , Tschiertschen, Chur, Schweiz

Hotel Alpina Mountain Resort & Spa , Tschiertschen, Chur, Schweiz

The newly renovated hotel with a modern interior design is directly at the ski lift, which is perfect for beginners or smooth drivers. If you are not into skiing, explore the hiking trails in front of the hotel or rent an e-mountain bike. Duke and I sledged at the back of the hotel, and I was happy that I did not have to run up the mountain by myself all the time. The mountain in the back of the hotel has a small ski lift for children, beginners or sled fanatics. After a long day on the slopes, you have to visit the hotel’s Apres-Ski bar for a flavourful aperitif.

The romantic amongst the guests may prefer a day in the wellness area and relax in the numerous saunas. Afterwards, I highly recommend a full-body massage.

Hotel Alpina Mountain Resort & Spa , Tschiertschen, Chur, Schweiz

In the evening, you and your loved one will enjoy a festive candle light dinner for two or even with several friends.

I don’t believe that someone will not love it  at the Romantik Hotel TheAlpina Mountain Resort & Spa as Mrs. & Mr Gehring run the place with great pleasure and professionalism. They make sure that you don’t miss anything. Loads of guests (including myself) returned to the hotel because of the atmosphere and the fantastic scenery. The Romantik Hotel The Alpina Mountain Resort & Spa is not just worth a visit during the winter time but also during the summer time.

Do you wanna know how to meet the world economic leaders?

Waldhotel Davos, Schweiz, Fasten Ur Seatbelts

Almost all shops are rented to the biggest companies in the world. Hotels are full of successful and powerful economic experts, and there is no place where you do not see any security staff. Why?

Waldhotel Davos, Schweiz, Fasten Ur Seatbelts

Because the world economic and political leaders (and I) meet in Davos in Switzerland for the World Economic Forum. Facebook built its own chalet within three days just for the congress, as well as Accenture and Google.

Luckily, I lived in a suite on “Zauberberg” where all the magic happens. Due to the huge balcony and windows, I was able to see all the changes in Davos. Nevertheless, Duke and I totally relaxed during our stay at Waldhotel in Davos. We could not hear anything from the several ski slopes around and the WEF. Moreover, we loved the snow-covered hiking paths behind the hotel and our spacious suite with a luxurious bathroom. Duke felt welcomed from the very first second he saw his welcome gift.

Waldhotel Davos, Schweiz, Fasten Ur Seatbelts

Waldhotel Davos, Schweiz, Fasten Ur Seatbelts

Waldhotel Davos, Schweiz, Fasten Ur Seatbelts

Waldhotel Davos, Schweiz, Fasten Ur Seatbelts

Not only did Duke feel very cosy at Wald hotel Davos, I let myself go in the wonderful and elegant wellness and spa area too. You do not only have a pool and a sauna but there’s also a solarium in case the sun won’t shine in Davos. 😉 Sincerely, I am a huge fan of the fitness area in the hotel. It has everything you need for a proper workout and I love the view from the fitness room!

Waldhotel Davos, Schweiz, Fasten Ur Seatbelts

My favourite part of my stay was my experience at the 14 point Gault Millaut restaurant, “Mann&Co.” Honestly, I had the best trout and spinach I have ever had in my entire life! In general, every course was prepared uniquely and specially. The five course dinner was more than a culinary delight. I am pretty sure that it will be a dinner that you’ll never forget!

Genauso wie das Abendessen im historischen Speisesaal. Ich war glücklicherweise Teil eines Dinnergesprächs über die Geschichte von Thomas Mann und seine Verbindung mit dem Waldhotel. Das Waldhotel Davos hat immer interessante und unterhaltsame Veranstaltungen. Diese findet man jeden Abend für den nächsten Tag in der Abendzeitung.

Same as the dinner we had in the historic dining room. I was lucky to be part of an evening discussion about the story of Thomas Mann and his connection with the Waldhotel. The Waldhotel Davos always has interesting and entertaining events going on and coming up, which you will be informed about every evening in your evening paper.

Waldhotel Davos, Schweiz, Fasten Ur Seatbelts

As a four star superior hotel, Waldhotel Davos might charge higher prices but know that they offer loads of amazing activities and services within their booking fee! A double room with a balcony is available from CHF 149. You will have a free shuttle service and access to the spa area.

Activities included are for example:

  • Early bird skiing
  • Ski safari
  • Cross-country skiing taster
  • Snow shoe adventure
  • Luging
  • Children’s skiing taster session
  • Geo-coaching
  • Historico-cultural walk
  • Guided tour in the Vaillant arena or winter sport museum

Sauerlandstern war gestern – das hier habt ihr noch nicht erlebt!

H+ Hotel nach Willingen , Willingen

“I will drive to Willingen in Sauerland”, was my answer to those who asked me where I will go next. Consequently, everyone said: “I know, you will drive to the hotel Sauerlandstern!”

H+ Hotel nach Willingen , Willingen

No! Much better! I drove to H+ hotel in Willingen (Upland)! That’s the place where the biathlon Nordcup was in 2016 and in 2017, the Ski Worldcup will take place in Willingen. If you haven’t heard of “Mühlenkopfschanze” yet, you will know after your next stay for sure. Only a 10-minute drive away, from the hotel, is the cable car to the well-known “Ettelsberg” mountain and Siggis lodge, which is also an ideal skiing area. On your way to “Ettelsberg”, you will cross the impressive “Willinger Viadukt”.

H+ Hotel nach Willingen , Willingen

H+ Hotel nach Willingen , Willinger Viadukt

H+ Hotel nach Willingen , Willingen

Those who prefer to go for a walk with their dog can try the numerous hiking trails. Just ask at the reception for a map called, “Hüttenwanderwege”, and try one of the trails which starts with U. Only those labelled with an “U” start from the hotel. You can choose how far you want to walk. You will find every length between 3km to 12km. Don’t worry about the length, the magnificent landscape will let the time flow!

H+ Hotel nach Willingen , Willingen

After a long walk, you can let the day end with a visit to the spa area. If that’s still not enough, book you trip with a half pension and enjoy the tasty cuisine. No matter what course you start with, everyone will be toothsome. The same applies to the breakfast buffet! Let your day delight with the panoramic window in the dining room.

The extremely friendly and courteous staff creates the “dot on the i” during your stay! I haven’t been the only one who really liked our stay! My dog, Duke, was more than happy about his welcome gift, cuddles, and the spacious room. Furthermore, due to his laziness, Duke prefers to avoid long walks in the evening. Therefore, he loved the green area behind the hotel.

H+ Hotel nach Willingen , Willingen

Wenn du deinen Aufenthalt über die Webseite des H+ Hotels buchst, bekommst du auf all deine Getränke 20% Rabatt.

H+ Hotel nach Willingen , Willingen

You will get a 20% discount on all your drinks if you book you stay on H+ hotel’s website.

3 questions you should ask yourself before going on a skiing holiday

Nissan Juke, Nissan, Skiing holiday, winter holiday, Fasten Ur Seatbelts
  1. How do I get to my accommodation?

This is one of the most important questions which you should ask yourself before you even book your skiing vacation! It will have a huge impact on your holiday budget!

First of all, you should ask yourself:

  • How many people will I take with me?
  • How much do we want to spend to get to our skiing resort?
  • How much luggage do we want to take with us?
  • How far is the airport from home and our hotel?
  • How much would it cost to fly? How much time would it take?
  • Can I/we drive more than 6 hours?

Nissan Juke, Skiing holiday, Fasten Ur Seatbelts

Even though I have an airport right around the corner, I decided to drive with my Nissan Juke. Why? As a matter of fact, driving is not only cheaper but also more fun and convenient. I could not have taken my entire luggage with me if I was flying to Italy unless I want to pay for extra luggage. Besides, it would have taken me longer to fly  to Hotel Miramonti in Madonna Di Campiglio than driving there. It took me around 9 hours to get to Madonna Di Campiglio from Cologne but I stopped in Munich for 2 nights on my way there, and also during my journey back home. Most importantly, I only paid around 120€/return with my Nissan Juke! The Nissan Juke consumes just 4.0 litres of fuel for 100 kilometres distance. Parking was always free, and I also drove around in Munich. That’s unbeatable! I could not have been more flexible, and I shared the 120€ with my car passenger, so that in total, I paid only 60€ for petrol. During our ride, we listened to great music as the Nissan has a USB connection for phones. Sometimes, the driver just change the music with the steering wheel remote control as my taste in music is so girlish. However, he was lucky that I fell asleep on the heated seats. The board computer told him where to go and how to avoid traffic, which was very comfortable for me.

Nissan Juke, Skiing holiday, Fasten Ur Seatbelts

  1. What should I pack?

Don’t forget that if you fly, you can almost take nothing with you because ski clothes need so much space! Anyway, if you take the car and you are more than 2 persons, you should also pack carefully as it can get too much quiet easily. Therefore, I made a simple packing list for your 7 day ski holiday:


  • Gloves for skiing in your free time
  • 3 Sweaters
  • 2 Long underwear
  • 2 scarves
  • 2 hats
  • Ski jacket
  • Ski pants
  • Ski socks
  • 1 casual outfit
  • 1 dinner outfit
  • Underwear


  • Glasses and/or contact lenses
  • Sunglasses


  • Sunscreen
  • Camera
  • Action camera
  • Electronics chargers
  • Laptop or iPad
  • Headphones
  • First aid kit
  • Lip balm
  • Personal-hygiene items
  • Razors
  • Deodorant
  • Shaving gel
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Travel pillow
  • Printouts of reservations

Always have a little bit of money with you. And if you have rented a flat, try to buy your grocery in Germany as it is cheaper there. The same applies to petrol.

Nissan Juke, Skiing holiday, Fasten Ur Seatbelts

  1. Where should I buy/rent my skis?

I highly recommend you buy/rent your skis and ski shoes on site because if something does not fit, you can always return it or exchange it.

Nissan Juke, Skiing holiday, Fasten Ur Seatbelts

Nissan Juke, Skiing holiday, Fasten Ur Seatbelts

Do you want to find out more about my Nissan Juke? Then have a look here!

Vacation at the castle park

das Hotel am Schlosspark Zum Kurfürst, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Munich, München

Walking down the palace garden, enjoying the magnificent nature and the breath-taking architectural masterpiece which will take you back centuries;the large baroque park in the style of Versailles will definitely captivate you!

Not only the princes would love Oberschleißheim, but also the princesses! Why? The Allianz Arena is located very close as if you were staying in Munich! Furthermore, it is usually difficult to leave the football stadium back to Munich after a match because the majority wants to go back to Munich. If you stay at Hotel am Schlosspark Zum Kurfürst, you would avoid the rush and get back to a place where you’ll find everything you need; relaxation, food, drinks, entertainment and comfort.

das Hotel am Schlosspark Zum Kurfürst, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Munich, München

The Hotel am Schlosspark Zum Kurfürst is not just a 15 minute drive from Munich, but it is also very easy to reach with the S-Bahn from and to Munich. Besides, the hotel provides a free shuttle to the train station, which is 5 minutes away. I drove from the Dolomites to the hotel with my stylish Nissan Juke which I could park for free on the hotel’s parking area. After a four-hour drive, I really love the sauna area and the pool. From my tidy and cosy room, I could see the stunning palace and the hotel garden. The palace garden is less than a minute walk from there. The hotel’s restaurant across the main entrance offers an excellent dinner.

das Hotel am Schlosspark Zum Kurfürst, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Munich, München

das Hotel am Schlosspark Zum Kurfürst, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Munich, München

das Hotel am Schlosspark Zum Kurfürst, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Munich, München

The staff gave me a warm welcome and was more than happy to show me around and answer all my questions. I read at Tripadvisorthat someone complained that the staff in the breakfast hall do not pay so much attention, but I totally disagree with this feedback. Even though I was distracted by the delightful and amazingly delicious traditional breakfast, the staff members always looked after every guest in the breakfast hall!

What to do at the hotel?

  • Play bowling in the hotel.
  • Visit the old and new castle called “Schloss Schleißheim” next to Nymphenburg castle. It is one of the biggest palaces around Munich and it belongs to one of the greatest baroque castles in Germany. Be aware that the castle is closed on Mondays.
  • If you are someone who likes to travel, you have to visit the historic airfield museum. At the old palace, you will experience a century of civil and military aeronautics history.
  • Explore Munich for a day.
  • Choose one of the hiking trails close to the hotel and walk through the forests and nature.
  • Take a look at the Munich Olympic Regatta Center, which was created for the Olympic Games in 1972.

das Hotel am Schlosspark Zum Kurfürst, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Munich, München