Tag: Beach

Living on the beach in Bloemendaal aan Zee

Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Poort Beach Boutique Apartment

It takes just under three hours from Cologne to Bloemendaal aan Zee. We have driven this route far too seldom up to now and have not appreciated it enough!

That’s why after our first tour to Ouddorp we now went to the corner of Haarlem and Zandvoort.

Here you can easily combine a city and beach trip!

Our apartment with sea view at Poort Beach Hotel

I haven’t been in Bloemendaal aan Zee for a long time. So, we were looking forward to the super stylish Poort Beach Hotel Apartments. The tasteful accommodations have so much to offer!

Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Poort Beach Boutique Apartment

We had planned to spend 2 days on the beach, but when we came to the apartment, we immediately knew that all our time would be spent on the spacious terrace. From here, we could also watch the whole happenings on the beach along with the surfers. In the evening, you can enjoy the beautiful sunset with a delicious glass of wine.

The apartments are equipped with a lot of love for details. As always, you should think of bringing salt, pepper and oil, in case you do your own cooking. Otherwise, everything is on the spot! Even a Nespresso machine! I always bring my own milk frother for a delicious cappuccino in the morning.

In our apartment, 6 persons could have stayed overnight, and it costs about 250€ a night. You should book the apartments well in advance as they are almost always fully booked.

Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Poort Beach Boutique Apartment
Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Poort Beach Boutique Apartment
Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Poort Beach Boutique Apartment
Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Poort Beach Boutique Apartment
Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Poort Beach Boutique Apartment

Things To Do     

You’ll never be bored in Bloemendaal aan Zee as there are countless things to do!

Beach Walk – Every evening, we took a drink from our apartment and walked along the beach with Chuck. Dogs are allowed to run around freely without a leash from 19 o’clock in the evening.

Water Sports – You only have to walk down the stairs to go to the beach and rent the surf equipment for surfing. Of course there are more water sports available right outside your front door!

City Trip – It’s only about 10 minutes by car to Haarlem. For a day trip, I would always prefer to go there. The beautiful city of Haarlem has its own charm with its small streets and canals. The place is also known as the “little sister of Amsterdam”. However, I would rather walk all the way to Haarlem because the parking spaces are very expensive. Anyway, the footpath to Haarlem has a lot to offer! You will pass the Kemmerland National Park and some great housing estates. Walking there is an absolute breeze!

Beach Club, Republiek – Right in front of the apartment door, you have the Beach Club, Republiek. If you prefer to have breakfast in the morning, I recommend you to visit the trendy and new Beach Club. I could have spent the whole day in the lounge chairs in the sand.

Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Poort Beach Boutique Apartment
Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Poort Beach Boutique Apartment
Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Poort Beach Boutique Apartment
Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Poort Beach Boutique Apartment

Zandvoort – Do you feel like a walk on the beach? Then you should consider going to Zandvoort! There are also a lot of modern beach clubs here! In the centre of Zandvoort, there is also a small shopping street to stay in. We made a stopover at the photogenic beach club “Ubuntu Beach”; a must-visit for Instagram lovers!

Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Poort Beach Boutique Apartment
Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Poort Beach Boutique Apartment

If you want to see more videos of my stay, have a look at the highlights on my Instagram account.

Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Poort Beach Boutique Apartment
Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Poort Beach Boutique Apartment
Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Poort Beach Boutique Apartment
Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Poort Beach Boutique Apartment
Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Poort Beach Boutique Apartment
Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Poort Beach Boutique Apartment

6 Best things to do in Cannes

Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Cannes, France, Travel guide
  1. Start your day right

Nicht weit von der Strandpromenade entfernt, liegt das La Casa di Nonna. Von hier kann man die Leute gut beim Flanieren beobachten, während man ein super leckeres Frühstück genießt. Vor allem die Inneneinrichtung hat es mir angetan! Man fühlt sich sofort wohl. Mein absoluter Favorit war der Nutella Latte. Auch das Avocado-Toast war sehr schmackhaft und punktet mit seinem einzigartigen Geschmack. Das La Casa di Nonna bietet zudem auch Mittag- und Abendessen an.

Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Cannes, France, Travel guide

Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Cannes, France, Travel guide

Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Cannes, France, Travel guide

Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Cannes, France, Travel guide

La Casa di Nonna is not far from the beach promenade. From here, you can watch the strolling people well while enjoying a delicious breakfast. Straightaway, I had a crush on the interior design! You immediately feel comfortable. My absolute favorite was the Nutella Latte. Also, the avocado toast was very tasty and scored with its unique fresh taste. La Casa di Nonna also offers lunch and dinner.

Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Cannes, France, Travel guide

Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Cannes, France, Travel guide

  1. Spoil your palate

Ein einzigartiges Abendessen erhaltet ihr in dem von Gault Milliau ausgezeichneten Restaurant Le Bistro Gourmand. Ich habe ein 4-Gänge-Menü gewählt, welches es schon ab 42 € gibt. Es fing hervorragend mit Trüffel Ravioli an und endete mit einem besonderen Nachtisch. Die 2. Hauptspeise bestand aus Fisch und Avocado – was genau meinem Geschmack trifft! Das Fleisch im Hauptgang war so zart und lecker, dass ich immer noch davon träume! Absolut empfehlenswert!

A unique dinner is served in the Gault Milliau-awarded Le Bistro Gourmand restaurant. I have chosen a 4-course menu, which is already available from 42 €. It started superbly with truffle ravioli and ended with a special dessert. The second main course consisted of fish and avocado – which exactly meets my taste! The meat in the main course was so tender and delicious that I still dream of it! Highly Recommended!

Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Cannes, France, Travel guide

  1. Relax at the beach

Wer möchte nicht am Meer auf einem Bett liegen und von attraktiven Kellnern oder Kellnerinnen verwöhnt werden? An der Promenade La Croisette erhaltet ihr eine wunderschöne Aussicht auf die Bucht von Cannes.

Who would not want to be seated on a bed by the sea and spoiled by attractive waiters or waitresses? The beach club, la Plage 45 at La Croisette promenade, offers a beautiful view of the Bay of Cannes.

Die Atmosphäre im Plage 45 ist total entspannend und cool!  Man wird die ganze Zeit von den Kellnern verwöhnt und ab und zu laufen auch mal hübsche Damen an der Liege vorbei und verkaufen stylische Strandkleider. Genießt an tolle, leckere Cocktails und frische Obstplatten direkt am Strandbett. Wer größeren Hunger hat, der kann zur Beefbar gehen und sich dort verwöhnen lassen.
The atmosphere in Plage 45 is totally relaxing and cool! You are spoiled all the time by the waiters, and occasionally pretty ladies walk past the beach chair and sell stylish beach dresses. Enjoy great, delicious cocktails and fresh fruit plates right on the beach. If you are hungry, you can go to the Beefbar in the beach club and get pampered there.

Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Cannes, France, Travel guide

  1. Explore the city

Einmal wie die Stars beim Filmfestival über den roten Teppich laufen – am „Palais des Festivals“ habt ihr die Gelegenheit dazu. Dort befindet sich außerdem das Touristen Office, wo ihr tolle Angebote für Ausflüge findet, wie zum Beispiel meinen Ausflug auf die Insel.

Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Cannes, France, Travel guide

Once, like the stars at a Movie Festival, run over the red carpet. At the “Palais des Festivals,” you have the opportunity to do so. There is also a tourist office where you can find great offers for excursions, such as my trip to the island.

Besucht die Kirche Le Suquet. Von hier habt ihr einen super Ausblick auf den alten Hafen und ganz Cannes! Der Fussweg ist ein wenig länger und beinhaltet tolle, schmale, alte und wunderschöne Gassen. Durchhalten lohnt sich aber auf alle Fälle.

Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Cannes, France, Travel guide

Visit the church of Le Suquet. From here, you have a great view of the old harbor and all of Cannes! The walk is a bit longer and includes great, narrow, old, and beautiful alleys. But it is worth it in all cases.

Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Cannes, France, Travel guide

Am alten Hafen habt ihr die Chance, luxuriöse Schiffe zu betrachten. Lasst es euch nicht entgehen, denn hier kann man sogar mal in die Boote hineinschauen!

Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Cannes, France, Travel guide

At the old harbor, you have the chance to see luxurious ships. Do not miss it because here, you can even look into the boats!

Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Cannes, France, Travel guide

Wer morgens oder vormittags Lust auf einen Markt hat, der sollte unbedingt den Marche Forville ausprobieren. Es ist nicht nur spannend den Markt zu besuchen, sondern auch die ganzen Leckereien zu sehen und zu probieren.

Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Cannes, France, Travel guide

If you are looking for a market in the morning, you should try the Marche Forville. It is not only exciting to visit the market, it is also really exciting to see and taste the whole treats.

  1. Have an island for yourself!

Die Iles de Lerins ist eine kleine Insel, auf der Mönche leben, die tagtäglich Wein produzieren. Sie sind die einzigen Bewohner auf der Insel und verlassen sie nie! Im Allgemeinen ist es unheimlich ruhig dort und deshalb auch perfekt zum Entspannen, Spazieren, Joggen oder Sonnen. Es befindet sich lediglich ein Restaurant auf der Insel. Wir haben direkt neben dem Restaurant an einer Weinprobe teilgenommen. Die Weine sind natürlich von den Mönchen selbstgemacht! Ein Ticket für die Weinprobe kann mit dem Fährenticket gekauft werden.

Eine Hin- und Rückfahrt mit der Fähre kostet 13 €.

Ticket können hier gekauft werden: http://booking.cannes-destination.com/

Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Cannes, France, Travel guide

Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Cannes, France, Travel guide

Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Cannes, France, Travel guide

Fasten Ur Seatbelts, Cannes, France, Travel guide

The Iles de Lerins is a small island where monks live and produce wine every day. They are the only inhabitants on the island and never leave it! In general, it is eerily quiet there and therefore also perfect for relaxing, walking, jogging, or sunbathing. There is only one restaurant on the island. We also had a wine ticket on the island, which can also be bought with the ferry ticket.
A round trip with the ferry costs 13 €.
Tickets can be purchased here: http://booking.cannes-destination.com/

  1. Stay in an oasis of flowers

In der Villa du Roc Fleuri habe ich die wohl netteste Hotelbesitzerin, Fanny, kennengelernt. Vom ersten Moment an habe ich mich hier wie Zuhause gefühlt.

Das Villa du Roc Fleuri liegt nur 10 Minuten vom Strand, der Innenstadt und allen Hotspots entfernt und befindet sich somit in bester Lage.

Morgens erhält man ein leckeres typisch französisches Frühstück bestehend aus Crêpes und Croissants. Das Hotel ist mit viel Liebe zum Detail und Geschmack eingerichtet. Die Zimmer sind sehr geräumig und natürlich sauber. Ab und zu trifft man auch mal einen Hund an. Wundert euch nicht, falls jemand im Hotel „Vodka“ ruft.  Das ist nämlich der Name vom Hund! 🙂 Die Dachterrasse lädt abends dazu ein, einen super Ausblick auf die Stadt zu genießen. In der Villa du Roc Fleuri fehlt dem Besucher zu 100% nichts!

In the Villa du Roc Fleuri, I met Fanny, probably the nicest hotel owner I ever met. From the first moment, I felt at home.
The Villa du Roc Fleuri is located just 10 minutes from the beach, the city center, and all the hotspots, and is therefore in the best location.
In the morning, you get a delicious typical French breakfast consisting of crêpes and croissants. The hotel is decorated with great attention to detail and taste. The rooms are very spacious and, of course, clean. Every now and then, one meets a dog. Do not be surprised if someone in the hotel calls the name, “Vodka,” which is the name of the dog! :-). The roof terrace invites you to enjoy a great view of the city. In the Villa du Roc Fleuri, the visitors will not miss anything!

