Tag: Traveler

The Best Christmas Gifts for Travelers

Only a few days until Christmas and quite possibly you must be missing a gift for your loved ones. There is nothing more beautiful than to make someone happy. The feeling is almost more beautiful than being given a gift yourself.

Just like every year, you wonder what you can give to your friends or family. I have put together a small list of gift ideas for those who enjoy traveling with your loved ones. Maybe someone of you is going to travel next year, so this might come in handy.

First Class Organization

A simple gift that I have been using for years is – cable bag. Finally, I no longer have to look for the mobile phone charging cable, the headphones or the USB charging cable in my pocket. At first, I thought I didn’t need this bag anyway. But now I don’t go on a journey without it.

In addition, I can only recommend a memory card case. It’s an important gift, after all, for the travelers who shoot countless pictures.

You can get both the cable bag and memory card case under 10€ and can be sure that nobody has this gift yet.

A Photo says More than a Thousand Words!

Every Christmas, my friends and family get a photo calendar from me with our best travel moments from the past year. Meanwhile, I am reminded weeks before Christmas that everyone would be very happy about the personalized gift again.

At the end of the year, I always give myself a calendar with the most beautiful moments I have experienced in the year.

If you don’t want to give away a calendar as a gift, you can, of course, also use other photo products. How about a photo book or your favourite skyline on a canvas? You will find a great selection of photo gifts at MEINFOTO.

Sweet Dreams

This year I forgot my inflatable neck pillow on a plane during a trip. An absolute nightmare! I don’t fly long distances without my neck pillow. Make your loved ones happy and give them pure relaxation on the way to your dream destination.


How often have you forgotten a travel adapter in the past or haven’t had the right one with you? It has happened to me countless times in the past until I was given the travel adapter that works in 150 countries. An inconspicuous gift that brings a lot of joy and a little bit of carelessness. The recipient does not have to worry about enough electricity in the future.

Unless he needs several battery charges at the same time.

But often, there is only one socket or only one travel adapter. What then? No problem! Because I have the solution: A USB charger with several ports. With my USB charger, I charge my smartphone, headphones, camera and iPad at the same time, so that I can fully start the next day on my journey again.

Special Travel Gifts

Of course, there is no upper limit on giving them! If you want to have a “big” joy, every travel enthusiast will be happy about having headphones, luggage or, undoubtedly, a camera for capturing those unforgettable moments.

A journey always begins with a flight, car or train. To reduce the time, almost everyone listens to music, podcast or watches a film. Without headphones, you won’t get far, because you don’t want to disturb your fellow travellers.

My faithful companions are my Apple Earpods because they don’t weigh much, are handy and small. Not to forget, of course, the great sound.

My Earpods have their own compartment in my stylish and unique Douchebags backpack! I never travel without it. The best part is that they really go with everything.

If you are going on an adventure trip, I recommend the Hook Up System from Douchebags. In the Hugger 30L and the Big Bastard 90L, you can easily take everything with you on a journey and still look cool.


If your destination is a bit fancy, I would always consider a RIMOWA suitcase. I tried 2x a different brand, and they only kept me for 2 months. With my RIMOWA suitcases, I have been travelling for years and am always very satisfied.

The great equipment and the unique moments should, of course, be captured with a camera and its usage always depends on the purpose. For many people, a small, user-friendly digital camera is enough. If you are interested in my photographic equipment, you can have a look at my article about my equipment.

I hope that there is something in it for some of you and that you or your loved ones can enjoy it. Enjoy the holidays and come well into the New Year!


7 best cities in Europe to travel alone

Santorini Oia Fira

Du reist gerne, dir fehlt jedoch der passende (Reise-)Partner? Dann wage den Schritt und gehe alleine auf Reisen. Es gibt eine Menge Gründe, warum du es sogar tun solltest! Eine große Portion Selbstbewusstsein wird dich beflügeln und das Gefühl, unabhängig und frei zu sein, wirst du noch lange nach deiner Auszeit spüren. Entscheidungen kannst du nach Lust und Laune treffen, es gibt niemanden, der anderer Meinung ist oder dich gar zu Kompromissen zwingt. Tu das, auf was du Lust hast! Begib dich auf eine intensive Reise mit dir selbst!

Wichtig ist, dass du deinen Trip vorher gut durchgeplant hast und dir auch die empfohlenen “safety tips” angeschaut hast.

Ich zeige dir heute die 7 besten Städte, bei der man auch als Frau sicher alleine reisen kann.

Do you love to travel but cannot always find a travel partner? So take the steps and travel alone! There are a lot of reasons why you should do it! A large dose of self-confidence will inspire you, helping you feel independent and free, and you will even feel it for a long time after your trip!

Decisions can be made according to your mood; there is no one who disagrees or compels you to compromise. Do what you want! Go on an intense journey with yourself!

It is important that you plan your trip well beforehand and that you are aware of the all the possible safety tips!

[contentcards url=”http://mywildearth.com/travel/solo-womens-travel-safety/” target=”_blank”]

I’ll show you today the 7 best cities where you can travel safely as a woman, alone.

  1. Amsterdam:

    Coffeeshops und Tulpen – das fällt jedem sofort ein, wenn das Wort „Holland“ fällt. Allerdings hat Amsterdam so viel mehr zu bieten: Die Stadt ist eher klein und daher übersichtlich und gut zu Fuß erkundbar. Alternativ kannst du dir ein Fahrrad leihen und das künstlerische Szeneviertel Jordaan entdecken oder einfach im Sloterpark die Ruhe abseits des Touristentrubels genießen.

    Coffeeshops and tulips – This is immediately apparent to everyone when the word “Holland” falls. However, Amsterdam has so much more to offer: the city is rather small and therefore clear and good on foot explorable. Alternatively, you can rent a bicycle and discover the artistic scene district of Jordaan or simply enjoy the peace and quiet away from the tourist center at the Sloterpark.

    [contentcards url=”https://fastenurseatbelts.com/amsterdammustdos/” target=”_blank”]

  2. München:

    Die bayrische Hauptstadt gehört zu den schönsten Städten Süddeutschlands. Neben vielen Kulturmöglichkeiten, kommt das Schlemmen nicht zu kurz. Zahlreiche Biergärten und Brauhäuser laden dich ein, die bayrische Küche kennenzulernen!

    The Bavarian capital is one of the most beautiful cities in Southern Germany. Besides many cultural possibilities, the feast is not too short. Numerous beer gardens and breweries invite you to get to know the Bavarian cuisine!

    [contentcards url=”https://fastenurseatbelts.com/motelonemunich/” target=”_blank”]

  3. Dublin:

    Die Hauptstadt der grünen Insel bietet vielfältige Unternehmungsmöglichkeiten. Besuch in Temple Bar eines von vielen bekannten Pubs und lausche der traditionellen Musik. Du liest lieber? Dann besuche die Old Library, die im sogenannten Long Room mehr als 200.000 Bücher beherbergt.

    The capital of the green island offers a wide range of activities. Visit Temple Bar, one of many famous pubs, and listen to the traditional music. You prefer reading? Then visit the Old Library, which houses more than 200,000 books in the so-called Longroom.

    [contentcards url=”https://fastenurseatbelts.com/halloweenineurope/” target=”_blank”]

  4. Madrid:

    Erlebe den spanischen Lifestyle im Herzen Spaniens. Entspanne im Parque del Retiro oder sieh dir das Königsschloss an. In Madrid gibt es sehr viele Sehenswürdigkeiten, bei denen die Zeit wie im Flug vergeht!

    Experience the Spanish lifestyle in the heart of Spain. Relax in the Parque del Retiro or look at the king’s castle. In Madrid, there are many places where time flies!

    [contentcards url=”https://fastenurseatbelts.com/madrid-is-on-fire/” target=”_blank”]

  5. Zürich:

    Die schweizer Metropole bietet ein multikulturelles Nachtleben, von dem Besucher aus ganz Europa angezogen werden. Aber auch das Tagleben hat viel zu bieten: Shoppen, Baden, Kultur – in Zürich ist alles möglich!

    The Swiss metropolis offers a multicultural night life from which visitors from all over Europe are attracted to. But the day life has a lot to offer also: shopping, swimming, culture – everything is possible in Zurich!

    [contentcards url=”https://fastenurseatbelts.com/travelguidezurich/” target=”_blank”]

  6. Reykjavik:

    Die wohl interessantesten Naturerlebnisse können in Island erfahren werden. Durchschnittlich 15 Grad warm wird es im Sommer. Nichtsdestotrotz ist Reykjavik ein heißer Reisetipp! Shoppen, Kultur und Natur – hier kommt nichts zu kurz. Außerdem gehört die isländische Hauptstadt weltweit zu den sichersten Reisezielen aufgrund seiner sehr geringen Verbrechensquote.

    The most interesting natural experiences can be experienced in Iceland. The average temperature is 15 degrees Celsius in summer. Reykjavik is a hot travel tip! Shopping, culture, and nature – here comes nothing short. In addition, the Icelandic capital is among the safest destinations worldwide due to its very low crime rate.

    [contentcards url=”https://fastenurseatbelts.com/weekend-trip-to-reykjavik/” target=”_blank”]

Am besten ist es, wenn du dich vor deinem Trip ausgiebig über dein Reiseziel erkundigst, insbesondere, in welchen Gegenden es sicher ist und wo eher nicht.

Vermeide nachts alleine durch die Straßen zu laufen. Ruf dir in diesem Fall lieber ein Taxi, welches dich sicher ins Hotel bringt.

Trage deinen Pass nur bei dir, wenn du ihn wirklich benötigst. Wenn möglich, nutze einen zweiten Geldbeutel, in dem du nur einen Teil deines Geldes bei dir hast. Solltest du ihn verlieren, ist nicht alles verloren! Wertsachen trägst du am besten immer nah an deinem Körper. Alles weitere verschließt du am besten im Hotel-Safe!

Du trinkst abends gerne ein Glas Wein? Gerne! Übertreibe jedoch nicht und behalte dein Glas stets im Auge!

It is best to ask about your destination before your trip, especially which  areas are  safe to travel to or not.

Avoid walking alone through the streets at night. In this case, call a taxi, which will take you safely to the hotel.

Carry your passport only when you really need it. If possible, use a second purse in which you have only a part of your money with you. If you lose it, not everything is lost! You will always have the best of your health. Lock everything else in the hotel safe!

Do you like drinking a glass of wine in the evening? With pleasure! But do not exaggerate and keep your glass in mind!


Safe travels! J