Tag: Dolomites

What to do if you have to much snow?

Alta Badia, Dolomites, Südtirol, Sellaronda

Weiße Pisten, kühlere Temperaturen – perfekte Bedingungen für einen Skiurlaub! Aber was tun, wenn man zu viel Schnee hat? Und fragst du dich, wo du im Winter und zu Beginn des neuen Jahres zu viel Schnee liegen hast? Dann warst du wohl noch nicht in Alta Badia! Schnee und Sonne sind dort fast immer Programm!

White slopes, cold temperatures, the perfect condition for a skiing holiday! But what do you do if you have too much snow? Or where to go during winter and the beginning of the new year? If you do not know where then you have not been to Alta Badia yet!


Alta Badia, Dolomites, Südtirol, Sellaronda

Alta Badia, Dolomites, Südtirol, Sellaronda

Während unseres Aufenthaltes Anfang Februar in Colfosco, das zur Region Alta Badia gehört, sind wir vom Schnee überwältigt worden. An unserem ersten Tag war es wegen dem starken Schneefall ziemlich bewölkt, aber es hat uns überhaupt nichts ausgemacht. Ganz im Gegenteil, das anspruchsvolle Fahren machte viel mehr Spaß bei der Sellaronda.

During our stay in Colfosco, which belongs to Alta Badia, at the beginning of February, we were overwhelmed with snow. On our first day, it was quite cloudy because of the snowfall but it did not limit our day on the slope. On the contrary, it made much more fun driving the Sella Ronde.

Sellaronda ist eine der beeindruckendsten Skitouren Südtirols. Man fährt 40 km an einem Tag und sieht keine Piste zweimal. Die Tour hat für jeden Skifahrer Pisten. Es ist wichtig, dass du vor 10 Uhr losfährst, weil die Tour etwa 6 Stunden dauert.

Sellaronda is one of the most impressive ski resorts in South Tyrol. We skied 40km in just one day and you will not see any slope twice. The round trip has slopes for every skier! It is important that you leave before 10:00 am because the trip takes around 6 hours.

Alta Badia, Dolomites, Südtirol, Sellaronda

An einem schneebedeckten Tag sollte man warme Skiunterwäsche tragen. Ich trug meine Skiunterwäsche von Falke, die mit Wolltech-Technologie ausgestattet ist und aus Merinowolle besteht. Ich fror überhaupt nicht während der gesamten Tour. Auf Grund des stylischen Designs, fühlte ich mich auf den Hütten sehr gut gekleidet, indem ich nur mein Shirt von Falke trug. Normalerweise habe ich immer kalte Füße, wenn ich mir neue Skischuhe leihe, aber diesmal nicht! Meine Skisocken von Falke gaben mir ein angenehmes Gefühl in meinen Skischuhen. Außerdem war es das erste Mal, dass ich nur kalte Füße bekam, als ich ein Rennen auf der Piste fuhr. 😉

On a snowy day, you should wear warm base layer. I was wearing my base layer from Falke, which is equipped with wool-technology and made of merino wool. I did not freeze at all during the whole tour and because of the stylish design, I felt very dressy at the lodges by just wearing my shirt from Falke. Normally, I always have cold feet when I rent new ski shoes except this time! My skiing socks made by Falke gave me a pleasant feeling in my ski shoes! Furthermore, it was the first time that I got cold feet when I drove a race on the ski run. 😉

Alta Badia, Dolomites, Südtirol, Sellaronda, Falke

Zum Glück fängt Skiline jeden besonderen Moment auf den Pisten für dich ein! Du musst dich nur mit Ihrem Skipass bei einem Fotopoint, Speedcheck oder Skimovie registrieren und wenn du wieder von der Piste zurück bist, findest du alles online. Es speichert auch, wie lange du von einem Skilift zum anderen benötigst.

Luckily, Skiline captures all important moment on the slopes for you! You just have to register with your ski pass on a Photopoint, Speedcheck or Skimovie, for example, and you are able to download your data in the afternoon. It also stores how long you need from one ski lift to the other.

Alta Badia, Dolomites, Südtirol, Sellaronda

Alta Badia, Dolomites, Südtirol, Sellaronda

Eine weitere schöne Skitour in Alta Badia heißt “La Crusc“. Abseits der touristischen Massen und zwischen zwei UNESCO Weltnaturerbe Standorten, siehst du mehr als nur perfekt präparierte Pisten.

Another beautiful ski tour in Alta badia is called “La Crusc”. Away from the tourist crowds and between two UNESCO World Natural Heritages sites, you will see more than just perfectly groomed slopes!

Mein absolutes Lieblingsteil in Alta Badia war der 15-minütige Hubschrauberflug über den Dolomiten. Wenn du die weißen Berge von oben für nur 110 € sehen kannst, wirst du deinen Urlaub für immer im Kopf behalten! Es beginnt vor der Berghütte “Pralongia”, die mit Skiern von jedem Ort in Alta Badia leicht zu erreichen ist.

My absolute favorite part in Alta Badia was the 15 minute helicopter ride above the dolomites. Seeing the white mountains from above for just 110€ will keep your holiday always in your mind! It starts in front of the lodge called “Pralongia”, which is easy to reach with skis from any place in Alta Badia.

Alta Badia, Dolomites, Südtirol, Sellaronda

Alta Badia, Dolomites, Südtirol, Sellaronda

Nach jedem Tag bin ich zum Abschluss zur Hütte “Col Pradat” in Colfosco gefahren, um den Blick über Alta Badia zu genießen, denn sie liegt 2030 m hoch und lädt zu einem entspannten Abend ein.

After every day, I skied to the lodge “Col Pradat” in Colfosco to enjoy the view above Alta Badia, as it lies 2030m high and it invites for a relaxed evening!


Have you seen the largest ski area in the world?

Dolomiti Superski, Dolomites, Dolomiten, Südtirol

Vorbeiziehen an faszinierenden Pisten, die durch Wälder führen oder an belebten Skihütten mit einer herrlichen Aussicht auf bis zu 3.269 m Höhe. Während ruhige Skifahrer 445 km blaue Pisten zur Auswahl haben, stehen sportlicheren Skifahrern zwischen 588 km rote oder 175 km schwarze Pisten zur Auswahl. Du fragst dich, wo es das gibt? Im Skigebiet Dolomiti Superski!

Fascinating ski runs, which lead through forests or pass by cosy ski lodges with a magnificent view up to 3.269 m high. For those who like to take things a little bit more slowly, have 445km of blue ski runs. The more athletic skiers have the option to choose between 588km of red ski runs or 175km of black ski runs. Where? In the skiing area of Dolomiti Superski!

Dolomiti Superski, Dolomites, Dolomiten, Südtirol

Der Skigebietsverband Dolomiti Superski verfügt über 12 Skigebieten, 1.200 Kilometer Pisten, 440 Skilifte, 4.700 Schneekanonen und 320 Schneekanonen.

The ski area association, Dolomitit Superski has 12 skiing areas, 1,200km of ski runs, 440 ski lifts, 4.700 snow guns and 320 snow groomers.

Dolomiti Superski, Dolomites, Dolomiten, Südtirol

Leider hatte ich nur ein paar Tage zum Skifahren Zeit, dennoch habe ich ein paar super Tipps für euch:

As I had only a few days for skiing, I tested and loved the following routes:

  1. Die perfekte Route für sonniges Wetter und die ideale Bräune!

Meine Routen gingen immer von Colfosco in der Region Alta Badia los. Die Seceda Route führt von Colfosco -> Wolkenstein -> St. Christina -> St. Ulrich. Von St. Ulrich nimmst du den Lift 2 und 3 bis Seceda.
Der Berg Seceda ist 2519 m hoch. Die Skipiste von Seceda zurück nach St. Ulrich ist 10,5 Kilometer lang, und somit eine der längsten Pisten der Dolomiten. Während der vier bis fünf Stunden verpasst du auf keinen Fall einen Sonnenstrahl! Lass dich aber nicht zu sehr von der herrlichen Landschaft während deiner Fahrt ablenken.

  1. The perfect route for sunny weather and getting tan!

As I stayed in Colfosco in the Alta Badia region, I always started from there. The route goes from Colfosco -> Wolkenstein -> St. Christina -> St. Ulrich. From St. Ulrich, you take lift number 2 and 3 to go up to Seceda. The mountain Seceda is 2519m high. The ski run from Seceda back to St. Ulrich is 10.5km long, which is one of the longest slopes in the dolomites. During the four to five hours, you will not miss any sunrays!

Dolomiti Superski, Dolomites, Dolomiten, Südtirol

Outfit: Bogner , Helm & Brille: Alpina Sports

Ein absolutes MUSS ist das Restaurant “Val d’Anna”. Es bietet nicht nur eine lebhafte Atmosphäre, sondern auch leckeren Kaiserschmarren und den berühmten Bombardino mit Schlagsahne.

Don’t miss the delightful landscape and Val d’Anna! The restaurant, Val d’Anna, does not only offer a lively atmosphere but also delicious “Kaiserschmarren” and the famous Bombardino with whipped milk or cream!

Dolomiti Superski, Dolomites, Dolomiten, Südtirol

Outfit: Bogner , Brille: Alpina Sports

  1. Triff Pferde auf deiner Skitour “Lagazuoi”

Diese Tour ist eine meiner Lieblingstouren, da du von einem Pferdeschlitten vom Campingplatz Sass Dlacia zum Skigebiet Alta Badia gezogen wirst.

  1. Meet horses on your skitour “Lagazuoi”

This tour is one of my favourite tours as you are pulled by a horse sledge from camping Sass Dlacia to the skiing area Alta Badia.

Dolomiti Superski, Dolomites, Dolomiten, Südtirol

Ich fuhr von Colfosco nach San Cassiano / Aremntarola und nahm ein Taxi zum Falzarego-Pass. Das Taxi kostet 6 € pro Person. Während der 10-minütigen Taxifahrt erhältst du einen weiteren Blick auf die atemberaubende Landschaft, bevor dich die Seilbahn nach Lagazuoi bringt.

I skied from Colfosco to San Cassiano/Aremntarola and took a taxi to Falzarego-Pass. The taxi costs 6€ per person. After a 10-minute taxi drive through a wonderful landscape, the cable car will bring you up to Lagazuoi.

Dolomiti Superski, Dolomites, Dolomiten, Südtirol

Der Berg Lagazuoi ist 2.778 m hoch und der Hang hinunter nach Sass Dlacia 8,5km lang.

The mountain, Lagazuoi, is 2778m high and the slope down to Sass Dlacia is 8.5km long.

Dolomiti Superski, Dolomites, Dolomiten, Südtirol

Helm & Brille: Alpina Sports

Dolomiti Superski, Dolomites, Dolomiten, Südtirol

Auf dem Weg zum Pferdeschlitten musst du in der Hütte “Scotoni” für eine heiße Schokolade einkehren.

On your way down to the horse sledge, you have to make a stop at the lodge “Scotoni” for a hot chocolate!

Dolomiti Superski, Dolomites, Dolomiten, Südtirol

Die Pferdeschlittenfahrt kostet 2,50 € pro Person und es lohnt sich zu 100 %!

The horse sledge ride costs 2.50€ per person and it is totally worth it!

Dolomiti Superski, Dolomites, Dolomiten, Südtirol

Helm & Brille: Alpina Sports

Dolomiti Superski, Dolomites, Dolomiten, Südtirol

Helm & Brille: Alpina Sports

Wie ihr aus dem Text entnommen habt, dauern die Touren in der Regel immer 3 – 5 Stunden. Da man nie weiß, wann die nächste Toilette kommt, habe ich immer mein GoGirl dabeigehabt! Egal ob es in der Nähe keine Toilette gibt, oder nur Hüttentoiletten, die nicht so hygienisch sind, ich war dank meines GoGirl auf alles vorbereitet! Außerdem hat man nach mehreren Tagen Skifahren auch immer Muskelkater in den Beinen und freut sich, wenn man nicht immer in die Hocke gehen muss. Vor allem spart man sich die Sorge um seine Skikleidung! Alles bleibt sauber und trocken!

GoGirl, Dolomiti Superski, Dolomites, Dolomiten, Südtirol

Helm & Brille: Alpina Sports, Pinke Dose: GoGirl

Die Hauptsaison hat am 5. Februar begonnen und geht bis zum 18. März 2017. Deshalb habe ich für meinen Dolomiti Superski-Pass 163 € für drei Tage bezahlt. Das klingt nach viel, aber vertraut mir, es gibt so viele Möglichkeiten in dem Skigebiet „Dolomiten Superski“, dass es nie langweilig wird.

The main season started on the 5th of February and goes on until March 18th in 2017. Therefore, I paid for my Dolomiti Superski pass 163€ for three days, which sounds a lot but trust me, you have so many options in the Dolomiti Superski skiing area that you will never get bored.

Junioren, die nach dem 26.11.2000 geboren sind, zahlen 40 € pro Tag und erhalten einen Rabatt für jeden folgenden Tag. Aber nicht nur Junioren bekommen einen Rabatt, auch Senioren, die vor dem 26.22.1951 geboren sind, erhalten für ihr stolzes Alter einen Rabatt.

Juniors, which are born after 26.11.2000 pay 40€ a day and get a discount for every following day. Not only juniors but seniors born before 26.22.1951 get a discount, too!

Dolomiti Superski, Dolomites, Dolomiten, Südtirol

Outfit: Bogner , Helm & Brille: Alpina Sports

Meine Touren im Skigebiet von #dolomitisuperski waren definitiv #emotionmakers!

My tours at the ski area of #dolomitisuperski were definitely #emotionmakers!

Still looking for the ultimate Christmas Break Getaway?

Madonna Di Campiglio, Italy, Dolomites, Dolomite Alpes, Dolomiten

150 ski runs, 500 ski instructors, 60 lifts, 4 snowparks, 22 restaurants on the slopes and 95% coverage by artificial snow. Do you know what I am talking about? No, I am not just talking about a skiing area! Madonna Di Campiglio does not only fascinate skiing visitors but also those who love to walk in the snow along the 90km marked trails or for ski mountaineering, ice skating, or dogsleeding.

Best ski runs in Madonna Di Campiglio for beginners, amateurs and pros

On my 4 hour drive from Munich to Madonna Di Campiglio, I was a bit worried about the snow conditions in the Dolomite Alpes, since the weather was quite warm in Munich at the beginning of December.

Madonna Di Campiglio, Italy, Dolomites, Dolomite Alpes, Dolomiten

However, when I arrived in Madonna Di Campiglio, I knew that I will have 5 amazing days on the ski slopes. Even though there was no snow in the valley, all ski slopes were already open and ready! On my first day on skis, which I rented at “Rent and go”, I made sure the ski slopes did not only look ready but also were in perfect condition for outstanding days on skis.Madonna Di Campiglio, Italy, Dolomites, Dolomite Alpes, Dolomiten

From 9.30am to 1pm, I was almost by myself on the slopes as I arrived at the beginning on the season, which was awesome! In the afternoon, I always stayed in one of the cosy or après-ski ski huts.

My slope recommendations

  • Take the cable car in Madonna Di Campiglio to Pradalago, which is 2100m high and drive either the blue, red or black slope down. After 15 or 20 minutes skiing, you will arrive at another cable car station, which goes to Grostè. Take it and go up to 2444m. You will love the view and the broad ski slopes. At the Grostè station, you will find the restaurant Stoppani, the ideal location for tanning and relaxing.

Madonna Di Campiglio, Italy, Dolomites, Dolomite Alpes, Dolomiten

  • If you drive to the middle station, you will be welcomed by après ski music and a great atmosphere at the ski hut, Boch.

 Madonna Di Campiglio, Italy, Dolomites, Dolomite Alpes, Dolomiten

At the ski hut Boch, you will also find Claudio with his Bernardino, called “Meatball”. He charges 20€ for five souvenir pictures. From there, you will always get back to Madonna Di Campiglio! It will take about 30 to 45 minutes and the slopes are phenomenal.

  • The cable car to Cinque Laghi will bring you to a magnificent platform with a stunning panorama. The restaurant next to the cable car is perfect for a cosy stop and lying in the sun. Here you will also find several options for every level but the ski slopes are not that long as they are on Grostè as you are also not that high.

Meet a Ferrari on the mountain

 My favourite chalet, the Fiat chalet, is located at Monte Spinale, which is 2101m high. The ski hut offers drinks and food for a great price! Try the white house wine and don’t forget to eat the chips with ketchup and mayonnaise on the terrace. I never had such a gigantic and unique perspective! The walking trail to Madonna Di Campiglio takes about an hour but you can also ski.

Madonna Di Campiglio, Dolomites, Italy, Skiing, Hotel Miramonti, Fasten Ur Seatbelts

No idea where to spend your time in the afternoon?

Don’t worry, you will find loads of shops in Madonna Di Campiglio as well as a small Christmas market. I am sure that you will never get bored during your afternoons! At the gourmet shop, you will find souvenirs for your family and friends at home or buy yourself a little treat! Personally, I liked all the different kind of shopping shops in Madonna Di Campiglio because I did not just find ski clothes but also trendy clothes!

Where to get the best deal?

 Activitybreaks.com offers great deals for a five or seven day ski trip, for example. You will stay at the fantastic hotel Miramonti .

A 7-night package for example is available online here at Hotel Miramonti.

This includes:

  • 7 nights in classic double room in 4* Hotel Miramonti
  • Half board basis
  • 6 day ski pass
  • 6 day ski equipment hire
  • 1x25min massage
  • Use of hotel sauna & gym

The price of this starts from 954€ per person.

If you need any further information about Madonna Di Campiglio, you are free to visit the tourist center. It is placed in the heart of Madonna Di Campiglio and every question about your trip can be answered!Madonna Di Campiglio, Dolomites, Italy, Skiing, Hotel Miramonti, Fasten Ur Seatbelts

Don’t miss the Audi Quattro Ski cup world final

On the 24-26th of March 2017, the Audi Quattro Ski cup world final will take place in Madonna Di Campiglio. Three days of speed, adrenaline, entertainment, excitement and loads of fun! For every winter sport lover a must-see!



5 Reasons why you should visit this place!

Madonna Di Campiglio, Dolomites, Italy, Skiing, Hotel Miramonti, Fasten Ur Seatbelts

You have no idea where to spent your next winter holiday? Then this is the perfect place for your next winter trip! It doesn’t matter if you are a pro on skis or if you don’t even know how to put them on. Hotel Miramonti in Madonna Di Campiglio is the ultimate winter getaway for everyone who wants to be active, enjoy, party or relax.

  • Rooms that you never want to leave

Madonna Di Campiglio, Dolomites, Italy, Skiing, Hotel Miramonti, Fasten Ur Seatbelts

Honestly, I don’t know which part of the room I should start with! My room was not only modern and very clean but also enormous! It is the optimal size to live in. I loved the interior design and the bright colours.

The spacious dressing room forced me to unpack my suitcases. Normally, I never unpack my suitcases because I have to leave after a few days anyways, and I am too lazy, but this time I could not resist ;-).

Madonna Di Campiglio, Dolomites, Italy, Skiing, Hotel Miramonti, Fasten Ur Seatbelts

The toilet is separated from the bathroom, which is ideal for young couples or those who prefer to have more privacy. The bench in the shower is tempting to shower longer than needed. After a hot shower, you lay down in your large and comfortable bed.

While your boyfriend, brother, friend or husband waits on the cozy sofa, you get ready at your make-up table. In the unlikely event that you get bored, sit on the balcony and watch the people on the street or the ski slopes. Right behind the hotel, you will see the World Cup Slalom ski slope.

  • Ski slopes for all levels

Hotel Miramonti is located in the middle of all ski slopes in Madonna di Campiglio. You will not need a car to get to any ski slope.

Madonna Di Campiglio, Dolomites, Italy, Skiing, Hotel Miramonti, Fasten Ur Seatbelts

Additionally, all ski slopes are connected with each other, which means that you have thousands of blue, red and black options each day. Read more about my ski route tips in my next article. Just two minutes walking distance from the hotel, you will find a ski and snowboard rental called “rent and go”.

Madonna Di Campiglio, Dolomites, Italy, Skiing, Hotel Miramonti, Fasten Ur Seatbelts

  • Daily relaxation for body and mind

After my days on the ski runs, I would either go shopping, or relax in Hotel Miramonti’s sauna or massage chair. Madonna Di Campiglio offers several shops with clothes, gourmet food and furniture made of wood. Next to the hotel, you will find Barbara’s sport outlet, which has stylish designer clothes for an affordable price. If you need a souvenir, visit the gourmet shop and have a look at the selection of bacon, cheese, snaps, tea and chocolate.

  • Culinary delight, which deserves a star

Not only is the service at Hotel Miramonti excellent, but the food is delicious. In the morning, you have an extensive breakfast buffet with a wide variety of sweet and savoury specialities. Don’t forget to try an omelette! The breakfast prepares you for a great start into the day!

After a long day, you will enjoy the 4-course-menu. For the main course, I always recommend to take the fish because it was even more delicious than the meat. However, there was no course, which I did not like, but look at the images by yourself. Sometimes pictures say more than a thousand words.

  • Unbeatable value

Thanks to activitybreaks.com I booked a really good offer. A 7-night package costs 954€ per person during the Christmas time and includes:

  • 7 nights in classic double room in 4* Hotel Miramonti
  • Half board basis
  • 6 day ski pass
  • 6 day ski equipment hire
  • 1x25min massage
  • Use of hotel sauna & gym

This is an unbeatable value for money in this area! If you do not want drive to Madonna Di Campiglio, you can fly to Bergamo or Verona for example. A flight from Cologne to Bergamo costs around 10€ (without luggage) and the airport bus to the skiing area costs 35€ per person/one-way. The bus ride from Bergamo takes about four hours. The airport Verona is a bit closer than Bergamo.